Monday, February 5, 2018

Today February 5, 2018, the Berlin Wall is down exactly as long as it was up - 10316 days.

I never thought I'd see it .down without a catastrophic war.


  1. Thanks for your significant memorial.

    I remember two days our parents sent us to bed when the sun was still up. The day the wall went up, and the Cuban Missile crisis

  2. I am a former cold warrior. Served three years in West Germany during the mid-70's. I got to know a German family well enough to be invited to their home on weekends. So yeah, I got a bit emotional watching the wall come down on TV years later. It always reminds me of this---

  3. Saw a slab of this vile monstrosity in Microsoft's art collection. Kind of like seeing your enemy's head on a pike inside the castle.
