Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The gift that keeps on giving.

Quality painting, or should I say photoshopping?

Who looks out of place?


  1. What's up with his left hand? Looks like another finger tucked under his palm.

  2. This is an embarrassment. It is also no less than he deserves for being this dumb. Obvious no one bothered to check out the artist's previous work or keep tabs on the work in progress to see what the result would be. Obama was never competent.

    1. Everything him and the Mooch does is an embarrassment to our country. These embarrassing paintings are going to be hung somewhere in the White House. Trump needs to sign an executive order forbidding them to be hung anywhere in Washington, DC. Send them to Kenya, that's where they belong.

    2. The Kenyans have better taste than that.

  3. I think that Barack would prefer the young doper surrounded by his favorite weed to the old dude - but both have that bothersome sixth digit...but we've always known he is a mutant. Future generations will debate the benefit of having a hybrid as president.

    Where would you hang that abortion? Certainly not in the White House or in Congress. Maybe in the Dept. of Agriculture down a hall and around a corner? It's clearly very progressive.

    1. on third pass at the doper pix, i finally saw the hemp leaves. living in colorado one would have thought i would have picked up on that sooner.
      i bet good money that the original portrait had him sitting on a commode with troused half masted all of which was photoshopped out. think i can just see it now..OOOOooooooo..............

  4. Ouch.

    Michelle's portrait is even worse. Does she have a Porsche under that tarp?

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