Saturday, February 10, 2018

Suddenly curling is interesting: Russian curler Anastasia Bryzgalova, an Angelina Jolie look alike if there ever was one

Much better than that dick on our team that threw a five year old style fit when he didn't win a coin toss to carry the flag in the opening ceremony.  Nothing like starting the games with a dissonant clang, asshole.  

What the heck is curling anyway?  How did that sport get started?

A bit friendlier.



  1. Who would have thought curling could be worth watching?

  2. Curling is like Shuffleboard except it's played on ice and instead of a puck they use a heavy polished stone with a handle on the top.
    It's not very popular in Southern Florida, however.

  3. Curling is actually pretty dramatic at times, like bocce ball.

  4. Why am I not surprised it has origins in Scotland??

    Maybe Anastasia would enjoy sharing a bottle of Lagavulin with us?

    1. But how to ask her? Maybe: Анастасия, ты хотел бы попить с нами?

  5. Regarding “the dick”, please see Rules of Curling, which include codes of ethics and fair play. “Sportsmanlike behaviour should be demonstrated both on and off the ice. This includes modesty in victory and composure in defeat.” He should have been removed from the team.

    1. Curling came to be when a group of drunken Norweigans were chucking rocks on a frozen pond. It SHOULD NOT be an Olympic sport

    2. I believe it was actually on Lake Woebegone

  6. I really enjoy curling but I'm to old to play it myself. There is a court in the Phoenix, AZ. area and I guess a lot of people play there. There are a lot of videos on YouTube including Team Homan on their way to championships and now they are at the Olympics. The exercise regime they go through is amazing, even pushing a SUV around a parking lot. There is also Team Jones who also have some exercise videos online. Worth watching the curling but it takes forever to understand the strategy. The stone they curl weighs 42-44 lbs.

  7. I go to the local ice rink every so often and never do I find hockey or figure skating. Always, they are curling. Always.

  8. Some people don't regard curling as a legitimate sport. (I'm not one of them.)
    This may be of interest:

    For a closer look at the physics involved:


    P.S. I have damn little regard for "the dick".

  9. To all the naysayers : Google up "The Women of Curling Calendars" and tell me again why you think negatively about this sport. Looks legit to me. If this doesn't convince you, then go back to knitting your tea cozies and shut your yaps...........

  10. One of the outbursts uttered that is getting scant attention is that he maintained that because it's black "history" month, he should have been awarded the opportunity to carry the flag anyway.
