Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Russian DJ's troll Adam "Full of" Schiff by telling him they have naked photos of Trump. Schiff is very interested. Very, very interested. In the naked Trump.

Listen to the silliness completely take the credulous Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committeeto town.  Listen and laugh, I guess.  Or, visit with Uncle Misha in Brighton Beach.  Look at how his "face will change the color."

The fully clothed Trump responds, of course, on Twitter.


  1. I can see Schiff trolling for photos of Melania...

    But see how accommodating POTUS can be to Little Adam.

  2. Don't get the idea that all CA politicians are unscrupulous idiots like Schiff! He's the exception, not the rule.

    Most are even worse!

  3. it would appear he asked nicely of anthony wiener for his pictures and you see what happened to rep wiener???
