Friday, February 16, 2018

Because the hissing little furball loves you so.


  1. Cats don't love. They barely tolerate at best.

    1. Well if by that you mean they don't hump your leg or jump up on you with muddy paws when you get home, you may have a point.
      It is true that cats tend to be more reserved and less demonstrative than dogs. This may be due to centuries of mistreatment by ignorant cat-haters.
      Also pertinent is the fact that cats are usually solitary hunters relying upon wariness, stealth and ambush, whereas dogs are generally pack animals. This in turn affects the way these animals adjust to and interact with their human families.

      My HouseCat chose me and had little difficulty integrating with his new surroundings.
      In his way, he's quite affectionate. I don't know if this amounts to love but it's close.

