Thursday, December 12, 2013

Santa in the house

Apparently at the high school my kids go to, they needed a santa to stand around and spread cheer, so they put the finger on the boy, dressed him up, and provided a couple of elves in the bargain.   

Pretty weird to see your kid play Santa.  Wasn't it just last week that he believed Santa was real?  Time flies.


  1. All girl elves Santa has been a good boy this year yes/no

  2. Ha, now Santa looks like his old man!!

    1. Except his old man doesn't have a bevy of beauties flocking around, and we aren't going to count all the Scratch and Spit boys as "beauties," unless we load up the sarcasm level to maximum.

    2. To look like the old man, Santa would need to carry a shotgun.
