Friday, December 6, 2013

More unbelievable Chinese smog

Shanghai authorities ordered schoolchildren indoors and halted all construction Friday as China's financial hub suffered one of its worst bouts of air pollution, bringing visibility down to a few dozen meters, delaying flights and obscuring the city's spectacular skyline.

People who imagine the Chinese as the new masters of the universe need to reconsider, when they can't even manage to keep this extreme level of pollution at bay.  Think of all the future disease this will cause, and the cost to the state.

Pictures like this make me think of those clear days on the crest of the Sierra last summer, and feel glad that I'm not living in Shanghai.


  1. As bad as it is in Shanghai, it's worse in Guangzhou (Canton) in Southern China. This is VERY HIGH SULFER CONTENT smog and it chokes and burns. China powers it's industrial engine with coal and they don't care one whit about pollution.

    At the same time, Obama hits business with $1.8 trillion in new regulations to "clean the environment" in the us.

    1. With pollution that bad, one has to wonder if it will eventually foster an environmental collapse, poisoning the water and land so badly that it will take years and years, if ever, to recover. What then with the population of China?

    2. A lot of people familiar with China ask those same questions. However, progressives don't concern themselves with pollution issues outside of the US.

    3. That's likely because here pollution issues are more a means to power and control for the progressive elite. In China, the government already has complete control, so they don't need to be concerned over pollution in any way.

  2. Actually that picture is one of the better days, you can still see a bit of light.

  3. Reminds me of the pictures of LA back in the late sixties and early seventies, now its as clear as glass.........
