Sunday, March 16, 2025

Torn on the 4 wheeler in that country. Cover way more ground faster, but the noise and tracks it makes kill the vibe. You experience everything less. Maybe. Dunno.



  1. Depends on whether you are running around doing work, or sightseeing.

  2. Depends on how far you are away from others in their SxS and how much noise they're making. Anyone running stereo pods boomboxing in the deep backcountry should be left to walk out.

  3. Can't beat them for farming, totally changed how getting chores are done, running fence lines, fetching parts tools and supplies, moving people around, real game changer, really great when you got a dozen deer kill tags, get all that meat back, take a few days, now a few hours, and its easy to get up on them for a close shot. In deer meat alone last few years begun to pay back on the buggy.

  4. My Samurai I got for $800. back in 2006 and still following my Winnebago wherever we wander sure works better than that for me. 1987-"Ninja"
