Friday, March 21, 2025

KAREN: Unleashed | Official Trailer HD | AI OR DIE Productions

All AI, for you AI fans. Or haters.  Hollywood is dead.  

Please make this movie.  Please Please Please!


  1. Weave that many different scenes into a movie and I would pay to see it. Action movies have been half CGI for a while anyway.

  2. Complete and utter dross.

  3. There is yet hope for the movie industry. - Nemo

  4. Terminator: Rise Of The Karens

    Wherein it's revealed that Skynet inflicted the Karens on the past - starting now - through time travel.
    And Arnold returns with a license to terminate them all.

    Follow it up with the next installment of The Expendables.

  5. The ZOG has turned us all into Karens, to some degree. Her leopard print outfits really hit home for me. You better LOOK OUT, she's really miffed!!
