Sunday, March 23, 2025

You have pleased her



  1. A case of mistaken identity, I'm sure.

  2. Some very lucky young man is engaged to this pretty lady.

  3. Ah! Another pretty chestnut brunette. Sweet.

  4. And to have a happy life keep on pleasing her every day. Just about (sorta) that simple.

  5. Guys, the whole “Happy wife, happy life” is bullshit. Wymens ARE NEVER happy. So leave them to their misery.

    1. I'm starting to subscribe to your train of thought. No matter how well you treat them, no matter how much you do for them, it doesn't matter. One day she'll think that you looked at her in a disrespectful way and file for divorce.

    2. It is such a shame that some men (the two above included) cannot see the light... and only seem to find the darkness in life. Most human beings have simple needs. There are always some who are never satisfied. And those are the ones that you avoid at all costs.

    3. After 41 years of "bliss" I can say the key to a long and happy marriage is a detached garage.

  6. I’d feel much better if she were satiated.

  7. John, you’re a retard for not seeing the actual situation on the ground and how Gods will, THAT the man is the leader of the household. It’s ok, John, just stay in your man cave where your bitch of a wife told you to dwell, kinda like a prison cell.

  8. Hey Keyboard Warrior, who will not reveal his (or her name) - I am old enough to know and understand that no matter what the situation, it takes two to tango. If you are such a miserable turd that your old lady gives you $hit, it's all your own fault.

    1. You have to live your own life and let her live her own. You meet for dinner each night and discuss your day. Trying to be "best friends" and "soul mates" ain't gonna hack it.

    2. John's correct that "best friends" and "soul mates" are just slogans, especially nowadays. Women treat men like flooring - lay it right the first time and you can walk all over it for years. Men today have wised up and are staying away.

  9. Can't we all just get along? - Rodney King

  10. John, oh boy, just keep doing what that bitch of a wife and society keeps telling you - wymens so smart, so beautiful no matter what size bs. Wasn’t it Eve that wrecked the Garden. Same today.
    But hey, keep living against God/ Bible. I’m sure you’re happy.

    1. You do not know my wife. She is not a bitch. She is a free-thinking woman who is respectful (most of the time) and hard working. She does not "hate men" and looks for the light and not the darkness.

      And for the most part, I am happy.

    2. Adam had a job, he was the caretaker of Eden, (Caretaker, Steward, Park Ranger, whatever), the real 'oldest profession, and every living soul there was under his care and dominion.

      Adam was a coward, allowed the snake to tempt his wife instead of forcing him from the grounds.

      God had a plan, it is woman that is mutable and who will follow, as she leaves her home to start a new family with her man.

      Man is the leader, and on that day in the garden for whatever reason Adam failed to lead. You can blame the fall on Eve but it is clear that God blames the creature he created to have dominion over the earth.

      If it were not so Jesus would have to be a woman, as Adam brought sin into the world, so too Christ came to remove it, taking the burdens of Adam's actions to the cross to do the job he could not.

  11. Happiness is an inside job Gents.

    1. Correct. Blaming others for our own misery is something that little kids and limp wrist libtards do.
