Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Got Kids or Grandkids?


Bestway H2OGO! Lava Splash Kids Inflatable Water Park | Outdoor Slide, Climbing Wall, Splash Pool, Sprinkler


  1. Got a much bigger one for the grandkids. Comes with an inflating blower, fairly easy to put up/take down. Screaming fun for kids, a lot cheaper than a pool, stashes in a reasonably small volume. Don't forget to buy the hand-held skimmer net for all the grass they track in, and some clear patching tape for the inevitable holes.

    1. You can take the boy out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy. lol

  2. The day I plant this garish lawn ornament is the day that I plant the living room couch outside, toss on some cutoff jean shorts w/a jean jacket, and quaff down a case of Schlitz all while taking potshots of birds or what looks like birds with the 20 gauge.

    1. are you the commandant of the h.o.a. too ?

    2. Nah, would never live in a place with that stuff. Deep in the woods for me!
