Monday, March 24, 2025

Get a quarter of an ounce and you've paid for it.

Commission Earned



  1. Sounds like its really starting to pay well to mine placer gold.
    Know of a section of river i panned as a young teenager, simple shovel and gold pan, found placer gold, not a lot, pretty tiny stuff, but it was there in every shovel that had magnetite. Never took it seriously, it was us BoyScouts going at it. What led us there was scouting a 15 mile section we came across all the signs where gold should be.
    Looking back at it I think the thing to do is to carefully track back to the best location where placer is entering the river. Might be a section of quartz bearing, breaks off in winter, or similar. Lot of work, pretty country, get some good camping in and good company around the fire at night at least. Never know, could dislodge a large rock and hit a good spot thats been undisturbed thousands of years.

  2. Don't forget your extension cord. You getting the fever, CW?

    1. Getting? Grandfather worked the hard rock mines in the Mother Lode. I've been tinkering for decades. Once, Me and a buddy packed a lawnmower dredge deep into a back canyon in Tuolumne County - no trail, steep steep canyon - and I stayed in there alone working for a week. Ran out of food. Got real hungry. Found a bit of gold. Could have done better if I would have kept myself fed right (think of working chest deep all day in cold creek water. The calorie burn must have been enormous). Good times....

  3. Is it true that some good yields can be found by sweeping out the dirt that's in the corrugated culverts that go under the roads in gold country? If you can fend off the snake?

  4. Fending off the snake isn't always easy as evident here:

  5. Get a quarter of an ounce and your gonna get very high.
