Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Panda Panic



  1. Not a Panda. It's a young Koala, with s sore nose

  2. Koalas famously have the lowest encephalization quotient of any mammal. Their brains are vestigial, the size of pingpong balls. Utterly stupid.

  3. They live off a few kinds of calorie deficient eucalyptus leaves, which ferment in their gut while they sit with their crotch firmly wedged in a tree fork in the blazing Aussie heat. Basically permanently pissed (drunk), dehydrated, and hungover with a groinful of splinters and ants, and dawn to dusk gawking gabbling tourists with cameras, and dusk to dawn barking dogs and hissing cats. This explains their vacant stare and short temper (the koalas....I don't know what is wrong with the tourists). I would feel and behave similarly (to the koalas) in such circumstances.

    Nevertheless, as eucalypt-stinky and grouchy and lethargic as they (the koalas) are, they are much more pleasant and productive than bureaucrats and politicians. It is forbidden to shoot or export koalas, and sadly, also bureacrats and politicians. We had a bull koala living in our garden. An amorous fellow that sang vigorously to prospective sheilas (girl koalas). We did not shoot him or export him, or any bureacrats or politicians. Or tourists.


    Stefan v.

    1. "We did not shoot him or export him, or any bureaucrats or politicians." It's not too late but it will be soon.

    2. They will have their appearance before The Lord soon. What are a few decades compared to eternity?

  4. Koala krash?

    Michael in Nelson

  5. Don't Koalas carry chlamydia on their fur as well? Charming fellows.

    1. As far as I know, no..
      Just skanky women.

  6. Koala Konfusion.
    Not Panda Panic.
