Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cold weather's coming. Someone's gonna need a jump.



  1. A great thing to have when you need it, they are not heavy and they do the job!

  2. A few months ago I bought the one with the most ratings: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015TKUPIC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 and I plugged it in and charged it up. Next day I put it in my vehicle and went some where. Amazingly enough when I came out the battery was dead. Hooked this thing up for the first time and my vehicle started right up no questions asked.

    Went home and ordered another for my wifes vehicle. Yes, I have replaced my battery.

  3. I would second the motion for NOCO brand. Do yourself a favor & look at some of the YT vids comparing these types of products. As you might expect, some of them do not measure up to their claims. If you go with NOCO, please pay attention to the different series (e.g., Boost vs. Boost X).

  4. As the lad in the repair shop stated when my seven year old battery had begun it's death throes last year, "Just drive the car on the highway, that'll charge it."
