Monday, March 4, 2024

Wow, now that's a well engineered engine.



  1. You find out how well it's really engineered when you go to change the oil...

  2. Beautiful Spitfire.

  3. Meh. Carbureted, not fuel injected. In a negative G turn it would vapor lock and fall out of the sky. They made do with it, but the Merlin had serious flaws.

    1. The problem was (mostly) rectified when a lady engineer suggested a perforated disc be fitted where was an existing open space which allowed fuel to gravitate freely.

    2. I looked this up after reading your comment. Fascinating story.

  4. Wondering why the wing root fairings are absent.

    1. They are probably removed for a periodic inspection which I believe is every 75hrs for a Spitfire. The oil cooler is under the left wing and the coolant radiator is under the right so the lines to them are in the wing root area. Also I can see the wing attach bolts in the photo and the aileron and flap controls will also be in the wing root area.
      Aircraft maintenance is very pro-active, we open the cowls, fairings, wing fuel tanks etc on an FAA/TC approved schedule and look for leaks, chafing, fretting, loose fasteners, loose wires, corrosion, contamination in the fuel and oil filters etc because if you wait until the pilot notices a problem the results can be fatal. At my old job every 200 flight hrs or 12months a Beechcraft C90 would require at least five days with four AMEs to complete the OPS 1 inspection. That's just for the inspection, rectifying any problems found required more time.

    2. Doncha just loooove Chapter 5 of the maintenance manual?

    3. p2, I loved Chapter 5 so much that my blood pressure dropped by 40 points the day I submitted my retirement letter. I have a hard time suppressing my laughter when people moan about the cost and inconvenience of an oil change for their car.

    4. p2, oh yeah I do, so much that my blood pressure dropped by 40 points the day I sent my retirement email. I still have a hard time keeping a straight face when people moan about the expense and inconvenience of an oil change for their car.
