Sunday, March 24, 2024

There's nice, and then there's really, really nice



  1. Right after my US Air Force career father was transferred to Colorado Springs, an uncle living in Denver drove down to visit in his pumpkin-colored Porsche.

  2. friend's dad was an aero engineer, they lived on Long Island. he was in california on business, so his mom drove my friend and his older brother out to the coast in their Jaguar sedan. mom&sons pass a gun store, and, being the youngest, my friend pitches a tantrum to stop. mom relents, when they get inside he pitches another til she bought him a derringer. they drive away, and, by and by she pulls up to a stop sign. he leans out the back window and put two rounds into it. he was eleven.

  3. Ha! I had a mid 50's Porsche just out of hs in '70 and it had the obligatory pumpskin

  4. 1959 Porsche 356 taxed and on the road in the UK
