Sunday, March 24, 2024

So hot it popped



  1. could be my anatomy after indulging.

  2. once you pop you can't stop

  3. Here is a pro tip: If you even cut open any type of hot peppers, besides the mandatory eye protection (you do NOT want to get any juice from a hot pepper squirted into your eye!) you should also wear some liquid-proof gloves. I once made the mistake of cutting open about a dozen ripe red cayenne peppers to harvest the seeds for a future crop. My mistake was in handling them with my bare hands. The juice from those peppers soaked into my fingers, and my fingers were ON FIRE for a couple of days! NOTHING lessened the pain in my fingers. I tried washing and soaking my hands in all sorts of stuff, like rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, milk, baking soda, etc, but only time made the heat go away.

    I also once got some liquid from a relatively mild green bell pepper in my eye, and that was more intense than I would have wanted. If you ever got juice from a jalapeño or a ghost pepper in your eye(s), you would no doubt have to go to urgent care.
