Sunday, March 3, 2024

Snow Pack and Recent Avalanche On Mt. Shasta


Snow pack at Bunny Flat

Path of President's Day avalanche on Mt. Shasta, skier for scale.

President's Day Avalanche path down the appropriately named Avalanche Gulch and into the trees below.  Photo taken at 10,200 feet in elevation.

Mature tree smacked and pushed over by the avalanche.

At the edge of the avalanche path.


  1. 2.5 miles of winter destruction, just another day with Mother Nature.

  2. And yet the whole state bitches they don't have enough water?
    Are they really that fucking stupid? THE ROMANS SOLVED THIS PROBLEM 2500 YEARS AGO YOU FUCKING DIPSHITS!\
    Seriously, wall the state off, tell it to go fuck itself.

    1. FedGuv has a huge say in water releases. There's plenty of blame for water mismanagement to go around, just like there's plenty of blame for poor forest mismanagement and its related catastrophic wildfires to go around.

    2. If they had finished the dams and reservoirs planned in the 50s and 60s they wouldn't have water problems. Instead, California's population doubled and not one new drop of water was produced.

  3. As I understand it, the "Land of Fruit and Nuts" decided to have the vast majority of the snow melt simply be directed into the ocean. I am thinking that their "equity" plan will not allow anyone to benefit (unfairly) of the clean water.

    1. In this new day & age run by our digital masters color does matter and fresh snow is a certain color... just saying...

  4. Once they've replaced the people born here with invaders then they'll fix everything.
