Thursday, March 7, 2024

Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong


  1. That was an entertaining and understandable look into theoretical physics. It well worth the watch.

  2. The audience body language agreed; this could have been condensed. Electrons and quarks, that make up everything, are really only accumulated energy in quantum fields of ripples and waves and are spread everywhere, and connected to everything else, in the universe. And the particles of accumulated energy takes up a particular value at a point in space, and that value can change in time. We, and everything in the universe, are all made of quantum fields. We don't know why there are two more of each electron, neutrino, up quark, and down quark when we collide them (in the Large Hadron Collider/LHC) and not more. Therefore, there are 12 matter fields, and four other fields which are forces (gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuke force, weak nuke force). Each force is connected to a field: example, gravity is connected to space and time. And the Higgs boson (particle and/or field) gives all this mass. And we don't understand it all, and there's no consensus, and the LHC hasn't found anything more since. But we do have this equation (which there are parts that no one fully understands) that predicts the results of every experiment done in science. (In other words, we need more money to continue our research at the LHC.) And there's still things we don't know about such as dark matter, dark energy, and inflation, and what the twinkling was at the beginning of the big bang fire ball. And all this hints to new ideas and questions. And the covid shots are mRNA packaged in a fat - delivered to a cell - to stimulate the cell to become a pathogen creator.

    1. Speaking of dark matter...fjb
