Saturday, March 9, 2024

Portrait of Marchesa Maria Serra Pallavicino by Peter Paul Rubens (1577 - 1640). The Marchesa should be proud of those clothes. Amazing stuff.



  1. Head on a platter.

  2. It was a bizarre fashion

  3. My first thought was she just got back from the veterinarian. Also, that dress was later used to cover one of the Apollo lunar landers. On a serious note, I suppose back in that day this was considered the epitome of beauty.

  4. when they get made up like that there wont be any hootchy kootchy tonight

  5. Could Jackson Pollock or Hunter Biden have painted that?

  6. Yeah, that's what I was thinkin'. They don't want her licking her stitches.

  7. How many peasants and serfs wore rags so she could dress like that?

  8. Clothes make the man. They really do, that's a fact. No clothes make the woman. Another fact. I have never seen a woman and noticed what she was wearing except to the extent it exposed more of her body. My favorite "dress up" outfit for a woman is her panties and my tee shirt. And I want my tee shirt back.
