Sunday, March 10, 2024




  1. Love vintage cartoons where the characters are all jittery and never sit still.

  2. There is only ONE political party. It starts wars. It bails out irresponsible banks and corporations. It pardons its criminal supporters. Its party members enrich themselves into millionaire status as the banks and corporations pack money up their ass. Finally the party members retire and work for those same corporations.

  3. Ever notice that the Democrats never help the "other side" yet so many Republicucks are more than happy to help the left? Remember to vote harder next time.
    - WDS

    1. Are you out of your mind?
      Democrats helped Bush start moving towards recovery of the 2008 recession by voting for . As soon as Obama was elected all republicans voted AGAINST the same thing they had voted FOR when Bush was president.
      Democrats voted FOR covid aid bills. As soon as Biden was elected Republicans voted against the same thing they had voted for when Trump was president.
      Trump's government was funded by democrats every year they had a majority in the house. Now republicans fund our government one week at a time...
      Do you see a trend here?

      The pinnacle of cynicism happened a few weeks ago. Republicans REFUSED to vote for their own border security bill because it would solve an issue while a democrat was a president! They would rather have an issue to blame Biden than solve a problem for the American people!

  4. To modify the quote from the Bard, "(it) is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, meaning nothing."

  5. The Uniparty, two sides of the same coin. It's us versus them.

  6. They have the sides reversed. GOP always sits on the right (facing forward).

  7. It's basically pro "wrestling". And still it draws the audience and the adherents. Enjoy the bread and circus- it's all yours.

  8. Just a reminder that it's been this way for a very long time.
