Friday, March 15, 2024

Lots of diversity



  1. When America was great.

  2. Back before the criminal gov't ghettoized everything. Magic dirt my pimply white ass.

  3. The blonde is the spittin' image of my wife when I married her. Yes, she was legal, at 18. I was a year older. But the kid on her left doesn't look at all like me -- I've never worn a bow tie or a yellow sweater in my life!

  4. Things I wonder when I look at this:
    -how much hormones and antibiotics are in my milk today compared to that?
    -how much did Edward Bernays-style advertising/propaganda affect my/American society's view on milk consumption versus what's actually needed for a healthy diet? Yah, Bernays messed with breakfast to sell more of it, and I wonder if the same was done for milk.
    -was lactose intolerance not a thing in the 1950's?

  5. 3rd down, left side.
    My mom. Times were better then

  6. A time in advertising where various browns, homos and mixed race couples were required.

  7. Yes, before Barack Hussain Obama and when "race" did not seem to matter.

  8. Diversity, yes. Blonde, Brunette or Redhead. Such choices for a young man in the 50's-60's.

  9. Even though I am SO much closer to death than birth, I am thankful I got to grow up in those times. It was a wonderful time to be alive. Truly the golden age of civilization.

  10. I have deep sorrow and burden for the youth. Under attack from all sides-there’s a reason they attack the young. I feel for the decent black folk who find themselves in a place where they fear those who look like them but are very much not, and are wide awake to the patronization.

  11. aint no way. dat shit be white so it has to be bad.

  12. So thinks you and commie joe and the Nigga queer spokes woman of his

  13. And all the better for it.
