Sunday, March 10, 2024

Dig into that



  1. Cher’s Cooters board

  2. It is pretty amazing how they took a simple and fairly inexpensive snack called "Lunchables," gave it a French name, put it on a wooden board and charge an arm and a leg for it.

  3. Ah man, now I'm craving olives. Quarter me a pair or three of olives and place a quarter on half a Trisquit and I'm good for another couple of hours.

    The price of meats and soft cheeses is getting out of control, at least for me. Quartering / halving the item spreads out the time to consume, which for me is worth the effort.

  4. All I require is the left column.
    The sissy's can squabble over the others stuff.

  5. Sour dough raisin toast. I'll start with that.
