Saturday, March 23, 2024

Battleship New Jersey Leaves Her Pier For First Time In Over 30 Years


The decommissioned Iowa class battleship USS New Jersey (BB-62), the most decorated battleship in U.S. naval history and the second-built of four of her kind, left its dock for the first time in over 30 years earlier today for an extensive maintenance overhaul.

Imagery and videos of the historic warship — which has been permanently berthed as a museum ship at a ceremonial pier on the Camden waterfront in New Jersey since 2001 — have proliferated online this afternoon. These show it on its short journey down the Delaware River to the former Philadelphia Navy Yard, where essential maintenance work on the ship will take place.

That the dock maintenance will occur at this particular dry dock represents something of a homecoming for New Jersey; as it was there that the battleship was built during the late-1930s to early-1940s and launched on December 7, 1942, the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor. When the contract was awarded for the battleship in July 1939, Charles Edison, acting secretary of the Navy, chose to name the Philadelphia-built ship after his home state of New Jersey.


  1. Woweee! What a coincidence. The New Jersey was sent floating on the one year anniversary of Pearl Harbor? Almost smells like it was planned that way. I've read many times that Pearl Harbor was fully expected and allowed in order to get those resistant Yankees to join the big fight. Even WWI sucked us in under dubious circumstances via the Lusitania and other bribes. Who has the money to bribe a nation into war? The same bankers who fund "both sides" of every war. This video is an eyeopener.... All Wars Are Bankers Wars....

    1. Only reason Mighty Mo is up and about is because Zelenskyy's probably cheating the Pedo-In-Chief out of it.

    2. New Jersey. Oooops!

  2. I've had the honor of standing on the deck plates of all four Iowa battle wagons. The Iowa BB-61 while I was stationed in Norfolk, VA in the 80's, the New Jersey BB-62 because I live here, the Missouri BB-63 on a Hawaii vacation, and the Wisconsin BB-64 in Norfolk, VA for a Navy reunion of the USS Moinester FF-1097. Truly amazing and beautiful ships.

  3. Now, steal the ship, call up the VFW and Fleet Reserve and LET'S GO PIRATING!

  4. It was September 1968, and my US Marine M-67A2 Flame-thrower tank was assigned to a tiny outpost just south of the DMZ (in Vietnam) that was located right on the beach of the South China Sea. I looked out on the horizon and saw a big-assed US Navy ship. What kind of "boat" is that? As I watched, it turned sideways and let off a salvo of its main guns. The fiery blast was as long as the ship was wide. It was the USS New Jersey that had just come on station!!!

    Roughly 30 years later, I am living in Philadelphia and the "Jersey" becomes a floating museum. What a thrill to be able to stand on her decks and see and touch her!

    1. Did you see Dana Delaney on the beach?

    2. Wrong beach. She was at China Beach which was way south near Da Nang. I did love that show...

  5. the ship just wanted to get out of camden like everyone else.

    1. Now that is funny. And a bit true that it was most likely "out gunned" in Camden.

  6. Had to take a trip through Phila yesterday on my way to Delaware. Traffic was pretty heavy but I was trying to see the New Jersey on the Delaware. Missed her on the way down and on the way back. Darn.

  7. You most likely would have seen her on the I-95 bridge on the south side of the city, near the stadiums. That's where the shipyard is.

    1. Yeah, I know, i used to travel on I-95, multiple times a day, since they opened it. I worked for JD Morrissey when they built it.

  8. I posted this over at Joe's blog a couple days ago.
    "When she came down the Juan De Fuca Straits in '69 on the way to Bremerton I flew out from Whidbey Island and took pictures of her. In 2015 I started with a new barber and it turned out he was the Quartermaster on that trip. I was able to give him copies of those pictures."

  9. I spent a month in Philly Transient Barracks in 68 waiting for my ship to come back from WestPac cruise (USS Great Sitkin AE 17). At that time there must have been 100 or more reserve fleet ships on the docks. Everything from minesweepers and DEs to aircraft carriers.

    And all 4 BBs (NJ, WI, MO, IA) Berthed side by side.

    We could not go aboard any of the ships but we could wander around the piers and look. One is impressive, 4 side by side is way beyond impressive.

  10. Also got to tour the NJ 7-8 years ago and the North Carolina 3 years ago. Don't ever miss a chance if you get one.

  11. It's now stuck for a very long time. It'll take a two years to clear the channel.

    Evil Franklin

  12. The USS New Jersey is about a foot longer then the other 3 ships

  13. I was on the the Jersey in 1990, we were doing a red cell exercise in Long Beach Harbor. A buddy of mine I had gone through Gunners Mate A School with had gotten stationed on her. The museum ship tours never let you realize the true scope of all that was taking place when the 16" fired. One of our guys got separated and tried to do a swimmer attack on her, we found him before he got shot, Jersey was carrying nukes and not in a playful mood.
