Wednesday, February 14, 2024




  1. Replies
    1. I spent a week one night with PBR, it did the trick.

    2. In Vietnam, PBR, along with Schlitz, Falstaff, Carling Black Label and Olympia were our only choices. UGH!!!

      When I got him, I swore on a stack of Bible never to have any of those "horse piss" beers pass my lips. Over 50 years later, I can say that none of them ever did.

    3. End of last tour in VN, dad accompanied a 'coffin' home. It was filled with bottles of San Miguel dark. Not one bottle broke.

  2. When my woodstove is cranking like that, unless I've just come inside from the cold, there's no way I could sit that close with a bourbon in my hand for very long.

  3. Tubs under the cot, bricks getting warm on the stove and the two pots on the stove... with his feet right there it won't take too long until the soles of the shoes are soft enough to permanently pick up rocks (I learned about that at a camp fire :-)
    I wonder how long he's been in the cabin?

  4. Plattsburgh, NY. My living room in Feb '98 during an ice storm that knocked out power for 27 days.

  5. Leaving the firebox door open with a wooden floor is a very good way to set your house on fire, especially if an ember falls unnoticed through the gap between the boards. With the door open like that most of the heat is going up the chimney. I get the feeling he has a man-bun and a $300 hand-forged Swedish axe that he can't use properly.
    We heated our farmhouse exclusively with wood from '73 to '80 due to the oil crisis. Firewood warms you twice, when you cut, split, and stack it and again when you burn it.

  6. I've heated my house with 3 wood stoves for the last 15 years. Don't have gas or electric heat at all. Sometimes it is a big pain in the butt, but when you come in from the cold and get next to the stove, you get warm right now!
