Thursday, February 1, 2024

Very Inviting



  1. Setting your VW camper up on a beach, up in the mountains with a view or parked next to a stream/lake is a fine feeling! The rest of the time just driving to work in your VW camper knowing that you could go to the beach, mountains or stream/lake and relax rather than go to work is a good feeling too!
    I'd be driving to work in my 84 VW Westy and my heart was just not in it.... I'd hit the GPS up for Key West, put a Jimmy Buffet disk on the CD player and just drive. Auto pilot would get me to work...
    FWIW as I recall it was a 54 hr drive and around 3500 miles from Lacey, WA.

  2. Being pedantic, if you set up and camping, why have the headlights on? The electrical system in a VW is wonky enough but the drain on the battery...

    1. Makes a better photograph. Turned them off as soon as the photo session was over, likely for the reason you cite.

  3. Phil coulda shoulda swiped this for his VW transported collection today . . .
