Sunday, February 4, 2024

Two F-117s (and many other jets) Flying Low Level in the Sidewinder


  1. i would love to see what some F-111's could do in this kind of terrain.

  2. you can use your hand or a piece of cardbd to block wind noise

  3. Over 30 years ago, a Serb air defense unit, using even then obsolete radars, computers and SAM's, shot down one F-117A and so badly damaged another it was scrapped.

    That' 30 plus years ago. Do you think an F-35 or B-21 stands a chance against modern air defenses with 30 years of development aimed exactly at stealth?

    1. As I've aged, I've come to believe that things are never as bad as might be feared, nor as good as might be hoped.

      In a military context, for me, that means that our Stealth technology won't be as good as the hype, but neither will the Russian air defenses. And you always have to allow that your opponent will be looking for every creative way to minimize whatever advantage you believe you have.

