Sunday, February 4, 2024

Twinkle Toes



  1. Amazingly, brutally strong, twinkle toes.

  2. I've never understood the appeal of ballet. Obviously she's an athlete combining those skills with those of an artist. That much I get.

    But the long-term damage done to her feet by even moments of dancing on her toes has got to be excruciating.

    1. I was a super for a big city ballet company back in the '90s. Nutcracker, Swan Lake and Cinderella. Got to know another super who was married to one of the dancers. He said his wife had really messed up feet.

      I was surprised at how much the corps girls smoked cigarettes.

  3. When you hear the unbelievably loud sound of those toes being driven down into the sprung dance floor, you get some idea of the forces involved. CRAZY loud. And unbelievably strong.

    I had the privilege of seeing Baryshnikov dance, although it was as part of The White Oaks Project, and after his knees were shot, so I didn't see his famous leaps. This is from teh intarwebs...

    Your average male dancer is expected to be able to leap somewhere between four and five feet off the ground. Baryshnikov, though, is an exception: on a good day, with a good wind, he can reach six feet. Not bad for a little fella (he stands 5’8″ in his leotard feet), especially considering the world’s record for the high jump, which was in the neighborhood of eight feet last time we looked.

    His leaps were longer than most long jumpers...


  4. Leave it to the French, the Italians, and the Russians to invent a dance to showcase the crotch.

  5. I have a tights fetish and not ashamed to admit it…

  6. Looks like she has to pee and there is no place to go.

    1. That's how Irish Dance got its start:
