Sunday, February 11, 2024

Ricardo Marinello - Suddensinger - La Donna e Mobile - Dritan Alsela ☕️


  1. I'd like to see him try that in a Georgia Waffle House on a late Frday night.

    1. You'd have to tell him to stick his arms out. Makes it harder to throw the net over him.

  2. Translation:
    Donna in her mobile
    I'll but you extra chrome
    for your Harley Davidson...

  3. My friend Frans would burst out in songs like this many many years ago. He has been gone for 47 years now, but he will never be forgotten.

  4. Golly. That young man just needs a few more reps to strengthen his throat muscles and it will be perfect. What a marvelous way to coffee shop. Bravo.

  5. Well..... I've been around these people for some years, singing. I can tell you, some of these are real prima donnas, they've come to love the sound of their own voice and adore the attention of the crowd, and if they don't feel they're being noticed enough, they'll pull a stunt like this one. When you're around them full time, you notice that they break out into singing - like this dope, full volume - just to hear the sound. Like when they're on an escalator. Or getting onto an elevator. It becomes tiresome, like, really fast.
