Wednesday, February 14, 2024




  1. Not to arachnaphobes.

    And maybe he's using rock salt loads.

    1. Rock Salt would still make a mess of the dry wall.

  2. I dunno - that spider appears getting ready to charge ! I can see the red gleam of Man Hate in its eyes ... I hope that shotgun has enough buckshot to do the job.

  3. Burn it down, just to be sure.

  4. Deterrence is all he needs. One look at that barrel and that varmint will leave the premises.

  5. Buy a Bug-a-Salt gun, about $40. It's my favorite toy in the last 15 years; way too much fun. (Disclaimer: I don't work for them, never have, calculate inflation on what my daughter paid for mine for Father's Day that may years ago.)

    1. Those things are great! We are on our second one - wore-out the first one. As a joke, my family bought me a green ammo can filled with salt for it. Only complaint is the safety that you have to set to off every time you cock it, but a little superglue fixed that.

  6. I contemplated, momentarily, blasting a cockroach with a load of buckshot. I don’t blame those who have an especial distaste for spiders for contemplating the same thing.

  7. Sammy Hagar the HorribleFebruary 14, 2024 at 9:14 AM

    Back in the 80's my roommates and used to chase Palmetto bugs (Florida roaches) around the stone fireplace with Lysol and a lighter.

  8. Several years ago, I read an article about an all-female music festival in Scandinavia somewhere. No males allowed for any of the performers, back of house, roadies, or drivers. I immediately thought, yeah but who will kill the spiders?

  9. I don't have a problem with spiders of any size; what creeps me out are yellow jackets, having been stung more times than I care to remember. I still get nightmares about queens coming into our former house through the holes in the old wood.

  10. Uncle Jed could pick that spider off at a hundred yards.

  11. Check out the Bugassault. Fun little toy, including a laser.
