Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Nightmare Deer. It's coming for your garden.



  1. got a big folder of curious deer looking into my trail cams. some are pretty comical.

  2. Yep - around here, if you don't cage your garden, it's gone pretty quickly. They and their fellow outdoor diners seem to eat EVERYTHING. Somebody told me once that nothing would eat a potato plant because it was a nightshade, therefore poisonous - tried growing some outside my caged-in are, nope, something got it.

    1. Bought an expensive Rhododendron, garden center told me that it's toxic to deer.
      Middle of winter, they ate it.
      Problem is the local park is full of deer and hunting is not allowed. The town doesn't control the numbers and the deer have eaten everything in the park except mature trees, poison ivy and thorn bushes. So at night they come out and devour ornamental plants and bushes.
      I hate deer.
      Oh, lyme disease twice... I hate deer.

    2. Now, sometimes, not during deer season even, some of those deer start to looking depressed...

  3. deer eat poison ivy berries.

  4. A few years ago my sister in law planted her garden in specific colours when she hosted my daughter's wedding. So gorgeous a setting. Two days before the wedding, deer deadheaded every single flower. My other daughter is marrying at the same venue this summer and the garden is being prepared, the coloured blooms ordered. We can only pray this does not happen again.
