Friday, February 16, 2024

LL's Words of Wisdom For Today

 As an official US taxpayer, I feel humbled to be selected to feed the American military-industrial complex. Of the 1,000 private jets that flew to Vegas for the Superbowl, how many were carrying execs who are funded all or in part through taxpayer dollars?

I too am honored.   As someone said somewhere, "There's a lot of them that need the air let out of them," IYKWIMAITTYD.


  1. "We The People" know. The Coup People forgot for whom they work for, most have left their Congressional Oath in a jar by the door before leaving their cushy DC homes...that we pay for, like everything else in their immoral sorry lives.

  2. How about the Medical-Industrial complex, or maybe the Welfare-Industrial complex?

  3. If You Know What I Mean And I Think That You Do WWG1WGA, NCSWIC-N, WCVOWOOT. SNAFU, BOHICA
