Friday, February 23, 2024

Interesting how much private enterprise was involved here, and which resulted in a successful landing.

"A commercial lander named Odysseus, powered by a company called Intuitive Machines, launched up on a Space X rocket, carrying a bounty of NASA scientific instruments ..., well, all of that aced the landing of a lifetime," NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said after contact had been re-established.

NASA paid the Houston-based company $118 million to deliver six instruments to the moon. 

This is a win for Intuitive Machines, NASA, and SpaceX. 


  1. Hopefully, one of the six instruments is a green cheese detector.

    1. From "Wallace and Gromit in A Grand Day Out“:

  2. And a huge loss for careerist bureaucrat heavy government programs.

    1. No.
      The largest criminal enterprise in world history ALWAYS get's it's cut of stolen money.

  3. The landing was facilitated by the most incredible act of real-life MacGyver hacking I've ever heard of. The landing was delayed by a couple of hours because important cameras on the IM-1 weren't working. But there was a NASA payload on board that had some similar cameras that could be hacked. In that time, they got permission to use the NASA hardware, wrote software to use them to land, uploaded it to the satellite and pulled it off.

    Details at Ars Technica

  4. No, "private enterprise" funded 100% through STOLEN TAX DOLLARS. Sorry, until folks do this on THEIR DIME and NOT MINE, I object 100%. And no human is going to the moon. It has NEVER happened and it WILL NEVER happen. This is just more wealth transfer masquerading as "science," just like in the late 60s.

    1. Wow! How often does your tin foil hat have tp be replaced?

    2. You really believe NASA - let alone the people involved - could keep that kind of secret this long? Easier to do it than fake it, especially in the 1960s.

    3. Nearly NOBODY knew the entire story. Thousands got paychecks to do their little bits, but knew nothing of what others were doing. Sad that after JFK, Gulf of Tonkin, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Kuwaiti baby incubators, WMDs, yellowcake, 9-11, the 2020 election, etc. you still can't fathom that your government would ever lie on a massive scale. Any my tin foil hat is still keeping me safer than anything the government has delivered over my lifetime.

    4. You guys still believe that there is a Moon!?! Come on wise up!

  5. Was it made in America or just assembled in America from Chinese parts?

  6. Paying Innovative Machines to deliver these instruments allows NASA to concentrate on its primary mission of Muslim Outreach.

  7. According to a report this AM, Odysseus has tipped over onto its side in trying to move to a new spot. While the craft is still functioning, according to the report, its mission is now unfortunately almost dead.


    1. They're blaming 'faulty telemetry' for the first report of an successful landing.

  8. Some of the on-board instruments are still working

  9. NASA is too woke to do it on their own.

  10. more proof that one should wait until all the facts are "in" until making any significant claims of success for something like this. . . . .
