Tuesday, February 20, 2024

I wonder where that locomotive is now?



  1. Where is it now? I wonder the same thing when I see photos of Anywhere, USA circa 1955 when along Main Street it appeared a vintage car rally was happening. I know for sure if the US doesn't stop sending money to everywhere except the US there won't be any more highways, airports or trains. Amtrak let go the station folks and locked the building. People are peeing in the bushes waiting for the train which is often hours late. That's the line between Las Vegas & Albuquerque. Must defeat Russia.

    1. How is Russia responsible for the internal rot we possess?

    2. He's saying our efforts are going into fighting Russia instead of fixing our own country.

    3. You guys can't detect the sarcasm? Anon @ 8:44am clarifies what I meant how "must defeat Russia" is only destroying America.

    4. I'm going to go the other way, and with no sarcasm and in all seriousness, agree that we must defeat Russia (or more precisely, the socialist/communist way of thinking).

      What we're watching, friends, is the implementation of the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

      "... It is the strategy of forcing political change leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The "Cloward–Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the United States...." After the collapse, they would "...replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income...."

      That, my friends, is socialism.

      So when you look at Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, .gov-backed student loans (since forgiven), bailing out Wall Street, one feel-good idea after another (Midnight Basketball, Cash-for-Clunkers),--all the contributors to our crazy, expanding, national debt--not to mention the ever-increasing and constantly-ignored problems with illegal immigration, what we're really seeing here is the Cloward-Piven Strategy being enacted.

      They're driving us into the collapse of capitalism and the United States. And yeah, this plays right into Russia's (and Chinese) hands and it's OK to say that I oppose it.


  2. https://southernmuseum.org

  3. The train in the movie "The General", was destroyed making the movie. Easy to look up. The historical train from the Civil War still exists and in on display.

  4. It was melted down in 1936 and sold to Japan as scrap metal

    1. And sent back as bombs and shells.

    2. They paid for that genius move in the end.

  5. Keaton bought the whole railroad, it was a Georgia short line that was past its prime.

  6. I think the comment about defeating Russia needed this annotation: (Sarc).

  7. I actually rode one that way alongside 2 other men 35 years ago at the Hesston Steam museum where I was a volunteer. Slow and steady. Somewhere there is some movie film (not video) of it.

  8. It was melted down to build tanks, then melted down again to make Camaros.

  9. The movie was a bit of a flop when it was released in 1927.

  10. ...and it seems Buster Keaton is as interesting as the train...thanks for the post - didn't really know much about him until that rabbit hole just now!

  11. http://offbeatoregon.com/H1002b_TheGeneral.html

  12. Always say, if you think you don't like silent movies watch The General and then report back

  13. Filmed in Cottage Grove, Oregon on the Rowe River. Summer of 1926. My granadpa was either the engineer or an engineer for the film
