Monday, February 19, 2024

Heh. Black eyes.



  1. So a number of years ago, the Mrs (primarily) and I were "cat-sitting" for some friends when they were on vacation. The cat was a diabetic and needed a shot of insulin every day. Anyway, on the first day we were caring for the cat, the cat bit her index finger while she was there in the morning. When my wife got home, she washed it out vigorously and put a bandage on it. However, by that evening, her finger was oozing this white puss. This was all on a Sunday, and I told her that we'd need to get the doctor to look at it. So, the first thing Monday morning, there we were at our Family Practioner and he says, and I quote: "I can't treat you. You need to go the Emergency Room right now, and don't be surprized if they send you to the Operating Room". And that's exactly how it went. ER on Monday, OR on Tuesday. That cat bite had to be debrided right down to the bone. The doctor who did the operation--a specialist in hand surgery--said that he did 11 cat-bite surgeries a month. The cost for my wife's? $15k (which admittedly pays for the hospital, anethesia, nurses, etc, as well as the surgeon).

    Don't fool around with cat bites. Cat scratch fever is a real thing.
