Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A couple of these in the vehicle might not be a bad idea


Arcturus Military Wool Blanket - 4.5 lbs, Warm, Washable, Large 64" x 88"


  1. Nothing like a wool blanket, darned useful! Well washed and it's not scratchy & it is warm. I used them a lot on duty nights in the Coast Guard.

  2. I keep this very item in my RV for chilly nights and it is excellent.

  3. I grew up sleeping under scratchy wool prison blankets.

  4. That actually looks like a pretty good deal.

  5. Looks better then the one I had in the Navy but I find it interesting that it's half the weight of a similar sized Hudson Bay blanket, of course, it's also less then a tenth of the price.

  6. In the trunk along with a poncho, flashlight, extra boots, emergency kit, and a couple of MREs.

  7. One snowy night, circa '68, dad missed a turn (nodded off?), and slid across a small field and dropped the nose of his '66 4dr Caddy into a small lake in the back country. Very steep, tall bank, and he couldn't get out without falling into the water that surrounded the car after it broke through the ice.

    He had one or two similar blankets behind his seat. Said that the blanket(s) kept him alive until a cop found him in the morning.

    Cop saw the tire tracks across the field. Had to have a tow truck pull the car back up the bank before he could get out. Car wasn't damaged, he drove it home after it was taken to the shop for a checkup.
