Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Wife Saver?



  1. Yeah.
    If you leave them unwrapped, even in the basement, they spoil after a day or so.

  2. Looks big enough for saving two ex-wives, at least.

  3. You know you're getting old when you remember when IH made freezers and not just ugly trucks.

  4. I had one of these IH freezers for over 20 years and bought it from a guy that had it for at least 30 before that. It could freeze almost a whole quarter of beef in less than an hour.

    Compressor finally died and couldn't come up with any reliable parts to fix it.

    Great freezer, expensive to run. Still wish I had it.

    1. We have a Frigidaire by GM fridge at our families camp, made in 1948. My grandfather bought it used in the early 60s. Only gets seasonal use, but it still runs. I put a new power cord on about 20 years ago.

  5. Refrigerated corn binder!

  6. Take advantage of the defrost cycles… she was a cold one when she was still kicking anyways….

  7. Wife Saver? Do you mean putting the wife's dead body in the freezer to keep it from rotting?

  8. Have my wife's grandparents 1950 General Electric Refridgerating
    machine in my garage. Never had a repair or replacement of freon
    in 73 years. Still keeps the beer cold. Think what we could have now
    if these corporations had invested in new tech instead of inventing
    new ways to screw us with disposable junk.
