Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Stay Out of the Water



  1. Pacific Giant Octopus
    They may not get that big but if you tangle with one you'll think they do.

  2. Emergency!!! Paging Ned Land!

  3. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

  4. “He’s right be hind me, isn’t he”

  5. More Puss, than he can handle!
    (I’ll show myself out..)

  6. Well..... you can stay out of the water if you so choose, but the more important thing is to stay out of the octopus.

  7. The octopus isn't that big; the man is just that small.

  8. Photoshop. I doubt that's a PGO to begin with, however the record one was caught in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, was 26 feet from tip to tip of opposite tentacles. I saw one there once, hiding in a big crack in in the rocks, that had 6 inch diameter sucker discs near the base of its tentacles. It was respected as well. Also, I've never experienced a PGO go after me or anyone I know while diving. Much the opposite. However, our ROV was pursued by one once. Not wanting to hurt it with the impellers, we backed off as quickly as possible and avoided it. Jacques Cousteau's stories about their aggressiveness is baloney.

    1. Sarthurk, a friend of my dad was in a fight to the death with one in WA. He barely survived, put him in the hospital with multiple lacerations from the beak and large wounds on his body.. He lost much of his gear (retrieved later).

      A friend diving for jade at Trinidad Head, California had a short brawl with a smallish PGO). He lost his mask but was able to get away.

      Myself was attacked (not PGO) in Hawaii. It was understandable; he didn't want me to have 'his' lobster. My mask was ripped off and I had sucker marks on both arms and face. That octo weighed in just over ten lbs. Tasted great. I did get the bug.

  9. everything wants to kill you... pick something fun!

  10. a Navy Destroyer had electrical problems at sea and when they docked they inspected the bow under the water line and they discovered sucker marks the size of pie plates.

    1. I remember that. Apparently they decided it was the sonar that annoyed whatever it was that attacked that ship.

  11. Movie when I was younger: Space Amoeba (1970, Yog: Monster from Space)
