Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Sad, but true



  1. I read that 50,000 per month are leaving the Land of Fruit and Nuts. Sadly, Idaho, Montana and Colorado are getting the bulk of the Cali-fornicators.

    1. A Texas think tank did a study that showed that Californians who move to Texas vote more conservatively than native Texans do by a margin of nearly 10%.

    2. Elmo, do you have a link to that study? I'm *in* Texas, so that's good news, if true. Now if we could just get our local Leftists to move to California...or Venezuela.

    3. It was longer ago than I remembered, and my memory wasn't very good on the details. But here's one link I found-

      and the nut quote from the transcript of the interview-
      "It’s just that, on the net, we generally get [30,000] to 40,000 more people coming here from California than we lose. So, is it a problem? Well, polling has suggested that it’s not. So, we have historic polling as well as poling we’ve done ourselves at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. It was a poll done 13 years ago by [the University of Texas at Austin] and the Texas Tribune showing that California [expatriates] are 57% to 27% conservative versus liberal."

      Here's the article on the UT study-

      It's dated, but I hope this helps.

    4. Thanks. I'll take a look at it. Hopefully it was, and still is, valid.

  2. They weren’t in Tennessee

    1. Right! The Ozarks, Arkansas

    2. Granny Moses was from Tennessee...

  3. Jed and Granny could pick off some blamtifa types, as I recall they could shoot the wings off a fly at 100 yards

  4. I think it sounds better sung when the word 'back' is left out. I always thought the Clampetts were from the Ozarks, between Turkey Ball Falls and Bugtussle.

  5. Wikipedia says-
    "...the Clampetts, a poor, backwoods family from Silver Dollar City in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri..."

    IMDb says-
    "Season 9's episode, The Clampetts Meet Robert Audubon Getty Crockett (1971), revealed that the Clampetts hail from Limestone, Tennessee, and not the Ozarks, as previously assumed. Granny is an ardent admirer of Daniel Boone and comes from 'Boone country'. Limestone is in northeast Tennessee, where Daniel Boone once lived."

  6. If only they would...

    But I'm less annoyed by the Clampetts than I am with the Pelosis and Boxers...

  7. Mr. Drysdale's family was from somewhere in Tennessee ( and Granny's family ran them out of the state).

  8. Remove "back" and it's perfect! (Except they were from Arkansas.)
