Thursday, August 3, 2023

Let's face it, the Finns are bad ass!



  1. Prepared to do some slicing and dicing. That's a big sword.

  2. I did not receive my sword when I was hooded with my Ph.D. I need to complain, or just go buy my own sword.

    1. Neither did Jill Biden, but Joe bought her one from Ukraine.

  3. Now they use the swords to fight over grants, and cut away data that disagrees with theory.
    Steve S6

  4. Univ. of Texas law school you get a sunflower - apparently about 100 years ago the law school refused to use caps and gowns, the university said you have to do something of significance, the law school said ok it's sunflowers. And so there are trays of sunflowers lined up on stage for the graduates.

  5. My wife was seven months pregnant when she defended her doctoral dissertation, and she refused to go through the ceremony because she had to pee every half hour. She earned her degree in the humanities, but maybe I'll go out and buy her a sword.

  6. Cute story, but I really hate the use of the word "partner" to avoid saying boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. We have perfectly good words to describe romantic relationships, so using a neologism to intentionally obscure the nature of the relationship ticks me off. I usually figure it means "gay lover".

    1. I know. I always have the sneaking suspicion that that's what it means too, and I agree; use the correct terms. Language is supposed to convey meaning, not be as vague as possible.
      - macxcool

    2. I urinate on semantic obfuscation.

  7. i received an antique sword (from the 1870's) when i was knighted a Knights Templar in the York Rite of Freemasonry. definitely a perk! that, and the Oregon Masons meet every year in a cave in eastern Oregon... another perk!

  8. I know that it's different but after being honorably discharged from the US Marine Corps in 1969, I went to the U of Denver and in three years, I got my BSBA. My graduation date was in December and since they did not have the formal ceremony until the next spring, I elected to find a job (out of town) and belay the ceremony. Maybe the graduates got a sword or not. I'll never know.

  9. If I had known about this, I would have finished my doctorate

  10. Is the word ‘gobbledygook’ of Finnish origin? ‘Cause that’s what her doctoral thesis seems to be composed of.

    1. Yeah, I looked her up too. I agree with you.
      My step daughter got a PhD in very closely the same.
      As a student I also did very well in that field. I got out chiefly because those types are seriously, deeeply messed up. Also, very passive aggressive.

    2. My Ph.D. is in electrical engineering and my research used a fair bit of rather obscure math and probability concepts. When the dean read the title of my thesis, my dad audibly laughed in the audience. My mom scolded him. I enjoyed it immensely.

  11. Tim and Neil are brilliant!

  12. This one is thrice struck; redhead, female, psychologist.

  13. PhD of Cutlery, that's pretty sharp.

    1. Yep; no matter how you slice it.

    2. Oh, you wacky cut-ups. You slay me.

  14. Come on, haven’t you recognized her sword yet?

  15. And what sort of "science" was allowed from 2020 through 2023 in Finland? Anything any REAL scientist would be proud of? Or just more bulls#!t?

  16. Deeply disappointed that my institution does not offer swords to PhD graduates. It's a military college! (Air Force Institute of Technology) We should get weapons!
    ~ Doctor Weasel
