Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Gotta be a better way



  1. Mission accomplished.

  2. Straight down and out of the line of fire. You're pack will catch you.. A better way, of course, would be an RPG.

  3. Strange. Look at that large rifle of the second dude.

  4. Easy to Monday morning quarter back. Look to be Marines somewhere in Ramadi Province. The spec ops people use a cardboard frame with det cord looped or two men with shotguns loaded with solid shot to take out the hinges.
    The first man in the door did it right. Would like about two more seconds to see what #'s 2 and 3 did. Kind of a short stack, possibly modified to the local situation.
    Combat in a built up area is some of the most dangerous stuff humans do. It took the Iraqi Army about two years to reduce Mosul.
    V/R JW

  5. Not hard to figure who's the junior man in that stack.

  6. Why are the last two standing in front of a window to the room they are entering?
