Saturday, August 5, 2023




  1. From movie Dunkirk
    I actually liked it, had some things wish they did differently but a good movie.

  2. I thought it was a flimsy movie despite taking an interesting approach. The Spitfire was a shitty replica when you could have had the real thing for a few (quite a few probably) bucks more. My woke step daughter liked it so I was at least prepared to be disappointed.

    1. Not a big fan of the movie but I saw this

  3. They shoulda concentrated on the Poles and the French who fought the rear guard action, knowing full well they were getting left behind, that allowed all those "brave" englishmen to flee, successfully.

    1. What? They were supposed to die in place? What would that have achieved?

  4. Very good movie, very well done. One that I can and will watch again.

    1. Au contraire:

      It was a cat's breakfast mound of slop, that managed to make the Nazis an invisible villain.
      Nolan is a twat, (which is sad because he can direct a good flick if he tries) and this flick was his twatwaffle epic masterpiece.
      It was the kind of movie that had to wait until almost everyone there at the time was dead, or nearly so, otherwise they'd beat the sh*t out of him every time he showed his face until his dying day.

      Dunkirk deserves a movie worthy of the story.
      This one wasn't it.
      To see everything wrong with it, watch any 15 minutes of Zulu, for comparison.

      This scene, where the victorious Spitfire pilot, instead of bringing his craft in for a landing amongst the exact British troops he'd just saved, and riding a boat bang to Old Blighty, instead glides his intact but out-of-gas fighter into the German lines, gets captured, and spends the next 5 years a POW as a guest of Goering.

      That's not heroism, it's knuckleheaded stupidity.

      "Turn around and fly back to your own lines, you stupid bastard!" - heard yelled at the screen from the audience in an unmistakably British accent at the screening I attended

    2. It's nice to see an honest review in these times, Aesop!

  5. Ok movie. Hated the constant droning so-called music. I would give it 3 stars, but 4 with a decent soundtrack. My opinion.

    1. Weekend at Dunkirk 1964 was a better movie
