Sunday, August 6, 2023

Backyard Osprey



  1. There's a nesting pair of red tail hawks that have a nest in a big fir tree in my apt complex, they've been there years. The tenants feed the squirrels and chipmunks til they're nice and plump, and the hawks have a well stocked larder. The hawks have become acclimated to people and aren't afraid at all.

  2. We have a pair of hawks that are clearing the grounds of chipmunks and squirrels. I have witnessed 5 kills this year. The best one was when the hawk grabbed a chipmunk by its head on a high speed fly by. They will sit at the highest part of the kid's play gym surveying the yard. When they see movement they will fly to about 150 feet up in the opposite direction. They they do a 180 and dive for a high speed strafing run and grab the target and crush it in its talons on a tree branch.
