Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Two lanes at once



  1. I came out of an underpass like that with a travel trailer one cold early evening heading up the west coast of Michigan (I had gotten a late start) ... electric trailer brakes saved the moment (seeing my trailer sideways in the lane next to me while still attached was cheap thrills!) and a motel got us through the night.
    We continued up to Traverse City with daylight the next day.

    1. Rob, though I wasn't pulling a trailer, I've had a few too many sideways rides on some of Michigan highways. Once, on 131 just south of Cadillac, I've even went 360. Only once did I end up deep in the ditch, though, and that was on a country road southeast of Byron Center. A friendly farmer fired up his tractor and pulled me out.

  2. If I'm not mistaken, the driver has the ability, the controls, to swing the trailer plow/salt tanker, back and forth.

    1. Otherwise why would it have a blade?

  3. This is a purposeful setup - the trailer-side plow has steerable wheels.

    You can watch the full video of how this setup works at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJEgkbq_b2Q

  4. My Dad did a 360 on black ice crossing a bridge on the way to Tera Haute, Indiana. Rear of the 1967 Mercury Marquis traveled over & across the guard rail at the end of the bridge. He was a two tour B26 Invader CAS pilot in Korea so it was all in a days work by his standard. I had my head propped up on the back of the front seat just watching the world go by at age 12 and happened to notice that the fuel gauge was almost imperceptibly dropping. Notified the 'pilot' and sure enough we had a small cut in the tank from that guard rail. A 'do all' gas station mechanic pulled & purged the tank w/water & welded it up and away we went. Pop said I was handy to have around and he was going to keep me. Earned some bones that day!

  5. They use those setups here in NH. Odd looking arrangement but it works well.

  6. We have them here in NY too. I often want to pass a plow going 35... but this setup is a beautiful thing to just drive behind and watch.

  7. This seems like it would make a great ANTIFA plow.

  8. Around my parts that trailer is called ' the big tow'. It reminds me of a B-52.

  9. He's only getting a foot or two of snow with the wings, waste of time.

  10. Yeah, I'm wondering why he's even bothering. There's no snow on the road. Anything under three inches deep isn't worth it. In my area, we don't get the plows out until its six inches.

  11. Couldn't plow that wide but, had a 12' dozer and a 14' moldboard on a 850 Dresser motor grader. Fully articulated I could clear almost two lanes.

    1. I forgot to add that there a some drivers that freaked out seeing this setup heading down the road.
