Sunday, July 16, 2023

Two hunters in Florida have successfully wrangled the longest Burmese python ever captured in the state of Florida.

 19 feet long.  That's a snake from hell.  Or Florida.

Jake Waleria and Steven Gauta seized the monster reptile in the Big Cypress National Preserve near Naples Monday night. 

I hear python is good eatin'


  1. My double wide is 20ft inside wall to wall.

  2. "I hear python is good eatin'"

    Probably tastes like chicken. :-)

    1. If it's not cooked correctly, it will taste like rubber chicken. If you are taking one to a restaurant, and they tell you to remove the head first, go elsewhere, they don't know what they are doing. Had a 13 foot reticulated python, and they ruined it.
      Had a 400 lb guy holding the head end down, and several average sized guys on the rest. Damn strong snake! That snake was so big, that it ignored anything smaller than rabbits and chickens.

  3. If you want to get creeped (crept?) out watch the video of these two guys capturing this thing.

  4. Is that a python, or an ex-python?

  5. my soldiers killed a 6' rattlesnake on exercises in White Sands and asked me how to clean it. snakes are easy. fortunately, we had good cooks in our unit too.

