Saturday, July 15, 2023

In person! Admission Free!



  1. There has never been a sports player I would take the time to go see. It's grown men playing games for outrageous sums of money. What's there to admire?

  2. I would have paid to see the Bambino swing.

  3. In about 2003, the last pitcher to pitch against the Babe was accepted into the HoF. Over 100 yrs old at the time, he was my wife's Grandfather.

  4. When I was a kid in the early '50s, my uncle took me on a train trip down to Saint Louis to see a Cardinal game in that stadium. I'll always remember Stan Musial hitting one out just over the 402 mark in right center.

  5. Was the Bambino drunk?

  6. Cardinals and Browns played at the same stadium for years. The infield was reputed to be a "brick yard" it was so hard. Having experienced that, It's hard on the legs. I got shin splints as a result.
