Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Five Bucks?



  1. “Easily concealed in the palm.” Yeah… you wouldn’t want those trapped animals to see it coming… 🙄

  2. knew a guy who had one. great pistol for bad breath range of shooting. anything over 15 feet , you hope you hit the target. neat gun though. small and easy to fit in your jeans.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Does it fire all four at once? Or is there some mechanism to cycle through all four barrels one at a time? From what it looks like, as you pull the giant sliding trigger they go off one after another. Which might spark a very interesting debate to be had about auto vs semi-auto. Does the law mean "one trigger pull" or "one motion of the trigger"? They don't seem to have thought about sequential firing throughout the motion...

    Remember, though, that back then five bucks was real money...

  5. It's amazing what you could buy thru mail-order back in the day. My old man bought a .30 cal. carbine (Inland) from a magazine for like $29.00 and Railway Express delivered it right to the front door and that was in New York. Ahhh, the good old days....
    - WDS

    1. In the late 1970s I bought a Model 94 in 30-30 at the hardware store. Took all of 5 minutes or so. I didn't want the shipping box so left it with the store.

      I walked several hundred feet along the busy main street in town with rifle and box of cartridges. No one looked twice, no one screamed in horror, no one called the Sheriff. This was in California.

  6. It was the first firearm produced by O.F. Mossberg and Sons, in 1919-

    That $5 adjusted for inflation is around $80 today.

  7. I remember 5 of us walking down the road in our small town, outside of Ventura, all with rifle over our shoulders. Around 1967, I guess. Sheriff's deputy came by and asked where we were going. We told him "down to the riverbed to shoot." He told us to have fun and watch out for ricochets. Lots of big white river rocks.

  8. Pop was born in San Diego in 1915. Much later he went deer hunting with a friend. The friend got one; Pop didn't but helped him dress it. Dad returned home, bloody and carrying his rifle, on the streetcar. Nobody lifted an eyebrow.

    1. high school, two caloads of us, maybe 15 firearms, going to a sandpit to shoot. deputy sees the guns in the rear seat (vw bug) wants to know wtf, we tell him, he says OK be careful.

    2. I once got in trouble for not bringing a gun to school

      I was on the rifle team in high school and twice a week I would bring my target rifle into my high school and bring it to my coach’s home room where I would place it in a closet. At the end of the day I would pick it up, take it to my car and drive over to an elementary school, park and walk by little kids playing on the play ground and go to the practice range in the basement of the school.

      One day I forgot my rifle and had to go home to get it so I was late for practice and got a half-demerit. I got in trouble for NOT bringing a gun to school.

  9. Price is a bit high. My FIL bought an M1911 in 1962 from Anniston Armory, fully refurbished, delivered to his home for $16.50, have the receipts and the box it shipped in (plain cardboard with tape), handles by the USPS. Need to get back to that era of American exceptionalism in many ways..

  10. rotating firing pin.

  11. I'm surprised Kodak didn't sue, they went after Paul Simon for Kodachrome.

  12. Brownie?
    "Smile. Wait for flash."

  13. back in 1968-9 we used to take the bus to go rabbit shooting. in philly !
    had our shotguns in zippered bags. when we came back, bus driver smiled and ask how we made out. we had 7 rabbits for dinner that night.
    funny a cop pulled up next to us walking home and asked what we where doing ? we showed him the rabbits and he smiled and told us we did good.
    so, yeah. I do miss those days.
