Tuesday, March 7, 2023

M1906 pistol against the background of its holster. Caliber 6,35 mm (25 ACP).



  1. Do Not carry these weapons,

    If you carry it, you may load it….

    And if you load it, you may fire it…

    And if you fire it, you may hit someone and make them extremely angry,

    Such that they’ll do you great bodily harm…

    Col. Jeff Cooper circa 1951-52

  2. Looks similiar to my Beretta Spitfire .25 cal

    1. I have a 1950's Jetfire.
      As much as I like the gun, (and wouldn't want to be shot with it) it's mostly useless except for point blank........

    2. It is only meant for point blank use, although my Colt was fun to test for accuracy at twenty paces. And it would definitely hurt you if someone stuck it in your gut and torched off a round.

    3. I like your turn of words - "torched off a round". If you don't mind I might use it once in a while. Thanks

  3. Re: “Cool old automatic…”yes true …..

    those Brownings do work well, I have three of them in more adequate calibers…

    but the 25 ACP cartridge (with excellent shot placement) might be able to dispatch a crazed squirrel that’s attacking you and your dog..,

  4. I had one like that that was made in Switzerland sometime in the 60's. It looked like an old pimps gun with pearl handles, but it worked just fine and was an ideal "belly" gun. My oldest son has it and wears it too. If I remember correctly it was kind of a pain to clean and there was a little spring that always seemed to fly away on me in the process of putting it back together. But hell it was a Browning

  5. Problem with a tiny 25 ACP is lack of intimidation power. I've found once or twice over the years that the Hollow points in the cylinder of my 38 snubbie has gotten folks to wander off muttering.

    A 25 Auto can kill you but isn't very reliable in penetration as Lucky Gunners gel block reports show.

  6. It's for a ladies purse.

  7. I like that cute little holster design for a lady's purse, though.

  8. They're called "get off me" guns for a reason and I wonder how many of you who are dismissive of these little guns would cheerfully volunteer to be shot by one. Some years ago, a Texas DPS trooper who habitually carried one of these in a spare handcuff case found himself with a revolver barrel rubbing his nose and the directive to "get out your cuffs." Instead, he pulled the little .25 and solved his problem by emptying it into the criminal's face. That's their purpose and the range at which they are intended to be used.

  9. I was given a Bauer stainless copy of the Baby Browning as a tertiary backup for a state police recruit school graduation gift from my parents. I carried it every day I worked, whether uniform or plainclothes. Say what you will, it’s better than an empty hand

  10. Don't know why anyone under serious assault would shot anyone in the belly.
    A couple in the groin might slow them down, but if it's that close, better go
    for up the nose or in the ear.

  11. Any idea what the red stains are from? Odd that the grasping grooves are so sharply imprinted on the leather.

    1. Dumbass leather purse retaining moisture and rusting the slide FTW.
