Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Fresh Meat's Back On The Menu, Boys!



  1. Maybe its just me, but that deer doesn't look fresh at all. Looks more like a lawn ornament than anything else.


  2. Second the comment on fake deer

  3. Rudolph shoulda paid more attention to where he was going.......

  4. If you think MREs are bad, try C-rations. Just looking at the canned scrambled eggs and ham will make you want to hurl.

  5. To be honest, once they started putting the little bottles of Tabasco in the MREs, most of them were pretty tolerable. All, except the Omelet with Ham. I once saw starving Ranger students turn that crap down.

  6. I'd save the cheese spread till I got ham slices. Dig the slices out and turn them on their side, pour the cheese spread over the top. Then set it on top of my C-rat stove and heat. I'd save the creamer packets and them to my cocoa mix. Always had a bottle of Tobasco in my 782 pack.
