Monday, March 13, 2023

And they can all stay there



  1. What is amazing to me is even some mariners and aviators abscribe to the idea that da erf is over populated.
    Fly over even the U.S. to see there are unpopulated vast tracts of land. The same can be said for a majority of land around the world. Even among island groups, few are populated. Even then, only a small village here or there on the main islands.

    I challenge any and all to disprove what I have said.

    1. Rick, If you live in New York city the world is over populated. If you live in the Montana or Alaska outback it's not. It's all relative. But ask a New York city dweller if they would move to Montana or Alaska, they'd laugh at you. If you asked someone in the outback if they would move to NYC you'd be met with curses. So over or under population is in the eyes of the beholder. BTW: The earth's surface is finite, but the possible number of humans is infinite. So, what number of people would have to exist to make you say it's overpopulated?

    2. "So, what number of people would have to exist to make you say it's overpopulated?"

      I'd say when they start killing each other for sport.
      But frankly, as long as they don't try to kill me I don't give a shit.
      In fact, I'll go so far as to say that I hope people that delve into such things are very successful in their endeavors, both sides.

    3. It's not over population it's people pollution. If people could all get along there'd be no problem. What's with your fanaticism for trashing the countryside with people who can't support themselves?

    4. Send them all to Ricks house. He wants them.

  2. Yes they can all stay in that circle, if we could get a circle like that for Mexico and Central America that would be great.

  3. That is just crazy. Why so many decide to stay and live in such densely populated areas does not make sense. Much easier for pandemics or other emergencies to reap some extra lives.

  4. It's too late, they're already inside the wire, along with their mistaken ideologies.

  5. China is entering into it's decline. Their population will peak in just 8 short years. For children born today, in the span of their lives, they'll watch the Chinese population drop in half. They've got 1.425billion today and at the end of the century, they'll have 776million.

    OTOH, India is ascendant.
    However, I don't know if this means that the Indians can pull themselves from their third-world poverty into a global leader. IMO, the Chinese almost pulled off the same challenge, but they'll come up short.


  6. According to the U.N. Population Database, the world’s population in 2010 will be 6,908,688,000. The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq ft).

    So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get 1084.76 sq ft/person. That’s approximately a 33′ x 33′ plot of land for every person on the planet, enough space for a town house.
    Given an average four person family, every family would have a 66′ x 66′ plot of land, which would comfortably provide a single family home and yard — and all of them fit on a landmass the size of Texas. Admittedly, it’d basically be one massive subdivision, but Texas is a tiny portion of the inhabitable Earth.

  7. Read "The Camp of the Saints".

  8. I did read Camp of the Saints, just missed the mark on which population is invading.

  9. Hold elimination matches.
    If they can swim here from there, they can stay.
